The REAL Thyroid Panel

Most often medical professionals only look at the TSH marker to determine if your thyroid is healthy. This alone is the biggest reason women are told their labs are normal, yet they still feel like crap.

While TSH is a valuable indicator of thyroid function, measuring it alone doesn’t provide the full picture. Here’s why:

  • TSH only reflects how much the pituitary gland is stimulating the thyroid, not necessarily how well the thyroid is functioning.
  • TSH levels can be within the “normal” range even when someone experiences low thyroid symptoms. This can happen due to underlying issues that you need to know about in order to get healthy.
  • TSH doesn’t tell us anything about the conversion of T4 (inactive) to T3 (active) thyroid hormone. This conversion step is crucial for optimal thyroid function.

Join me Thursday, August 8th at 8pm EST where I will teach you the full thyroid panel you need, the functional ranges and what to do about it. Let me help you get back to healthy! SIGN UP TODAY! to receive the zoom link.